Brugge is our destination again today. These buildings date to 13th to 15th century and their step style roofs are typical of this part of Belgium.
Oh dear spell checker is not responding, and I am a terrible proof reader. Same thing happened last night and I misspelled some words in an email. Well I am an artist not a writer, so call it "creative spelling" if I make mistakes tonight too.

Bill, Sylvia and Teresa rented bycicles from the hotel and rode to Brugge, four of us rode in the van to paint in Brugge, and Bonnie stayed at our hotel to paint some beautiful still lifes in the living room. The sun never did come out today, but it did not rain, which would have put a damper on the watercolor painting.

Catherine is the picture of concentration as she focuses on her drawing of an old stone bridge.

Linda also utilizes one of the swan benches as her painting studio.

This is the scene we were painting. It is the old stone bridge that leads to the entrance to the Beguinage where in the 13th century independent women established a colony for unmarried women who did not want to be nuns but at the same time were very religious. The ancient buildings are beautifully maintained today and used by nuns. This scene was difficult to paint; lots of angles, and the grey sky did not provide shadows to help define shapes.

The old buildings here have a very unique architecture and are well maintained. Catherine's radar lead her straight to this chocolate shop (note the sign is in English not Flemish, they know who the big chocolate shoppers are!)
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