Ink and Watercolor, 6" x 6" $250.00 framed 15" x 15". Exhibited at Elliott Fouts Gallery, 4749 J Street, Sacramento, California (916)736-1429

Painting is my passion. Travel satisfies my curiosity, adds to my understanding of the world and provides endless subject matter for my paintings. I lead painting trips around the world so I can travel with other painters. Daily painting is how I grow as an artist and how I satisfy my passion for painting. I paint as I travel and I paint in my studio. I do not limit my work to one style, one subject or one medium. Growth comes from exploration.
June 1st we painted in the friendliest village in all of France, Virieu. Raining again, so we sat under the old covered market roof to paint, and Valerie brought our lunch and created a picnic for us complete with table cloth, fine food and even candles. As we were finishing lunch a villager named Pierre stopped by and offered to bring us hot coffee from his home. He brought delicious coffee, china cups, suger in a cute box, so sweet. Then he invited us to visit his home and see his garden.
What I love about this part of France is that there are no tourists. That means that the local villagers are happy that we American's discovered their village and are so proud to show us around. The lady in the check shirt is Chantel Pinaurd, she invited us into her beautiful garden to paint her charming house, garden or whatever. When it rained she quickly made room for us in her house.
When we asked if we could buy a book that her neighbor wrote about the village of Virieu, she called him to see if he had anymore books. His name is Louis Fournier. He invited all of us into his home, poured his homemade walnut wine for everyone and autographed books for us while he and Chantel told stories about the village. A very special afternoon I shall not forget.