"Time flys when you are having fun" and before I knew it a couple of weeks had passed with no new postings on this blog. Sorry about that, but here is what I have been up to.
1. Its spring, so garden, garden, garden, and oh how beautiful my flower beds look this year. The best since I began planting on this property 14 years ago. If I had time I would run out and take some photos, but no time at the moment.
2. Teaching lots of fun local classes, and plein aire painting at Labadie Farm and Horton Iris Farm.
3. "Disappearing Landscapes Show" a benefit for The Placer Land Trust is currently hanging at Latitudes Restaurant in Auburn. It is a fabulous show by invited Placer County Artist, each submitting two pieces one of which was to be created at one of the sites that the Land Trust has conserved. I found this little red barn at Labadie Farm and thought it was so cute, had a ball painting it on an early spring day. If you are in Auburn, you have to go by Latitudes and see this show.
4. Much of my time these days is spent preparing my studio and my work for the Loomis Art Loop Open Studios Tour on Mother's Day weekend, Saturday May 10, and Sunday May 11. To print your free map and photos of our work go to this website: http://www.LoomisArtLoop.com
This is the only studio tour I am doing now, I much prefer the beautiful weather we get on the spring tour to the iffy weather of the fall Placer Arts Studio Tour, and this tour is smaller so the pace is much nicer. You can visit each of the 12 artists in one day as we are at 7 locations all with 5 minutes drive of each other here in the beautiful Loomis Basin. We hope you will come to see us, we have lots of exceptional work and some fun demonstrations planned for you to see. Bring a picnic lunch and blanket and picnic by the pond at the Horton Iris Farm (3 artists are showing there) and for sure, bring your camera. The wild flowers are out all over the basin, and each of us are working hard on our flower gardens as well.
5. Oh, and I am leaving in less than an hour for New York City to attend our nephew's wedding and 60th anniversary party for my in laws.
Whew! Now you know why I have not been writing on this blog lately. Hope this makes sense, got to run.
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