Friday, December 31, 2010

An Artist’s New Year Resolutions

The Gift Amaryllis

The Gift Amaryllis, my newest painting in my floral oils series.

Happy New Year Everyone

It’s time for making resolutions, here are my “Art Resolutions”.  I would love to hear resolutions from other artists, please add them in the comment section below.

Art Resolutions

1.  Continue to have fun painting, by painting what I want to paint.  I find my best work is created when I am most passionate about my subject, and process.

2.  Create a body of new work worthy of a one or two person gallery show by the end of 2011.

3.  Make painting time, not just “paint when I get a chance”, as I often hear my students say.

4.  Keep my current gallery supplied with new work and search for a second gallery beyond Northern California.

5.  Continue to study ways to use technology to market my paintings and my workshops.  Thanks to John Stanley for an excellent Photoshop class at the Placer School for Adults, it helped.

6.  Check deadlines for competitions on the 15th and 30th of every month and get those entries in.  You can’t win if you don’t enter.

7.  Blog at least once a week.

8.  Take at least one workshop or class this year to continue to add to my knowledge of painting.

9.  Sharing all that I have learned with my students is fun and rewarding so I will continue to do that plus  listen to their suggestions on how to improve my teaching skills. 

I listened to my Sacramento area students when they  complained that they had trouble finishing their paintings they start in my classes.  They asked for more time in class so I changed my format from half day classes to a 2 day workshop.  So far not many have signed up, so let’s hope that is what you all want!  The schedule is on my website

10.  Share my work by donating to causes that I support.

Now it is your turn.

Please share your Art Resolutions in the comment box below.  Maybe we can all inspire each other.




Friday, December 3, 2010

Wayne’s World at the Crocker Art Museum

I finally made it to visit the new and improved Crocker Art Museum and see the Wayne Thiebaud exhibit just before Thanksgiving. 

WOW!!!!!!!!!  The museum is fabulous, any city of any size would be proud to have such a marvelous art museum!  The café is great too!

I am a fortunate artist in that my favorite artist is not only alive, but I actually got to take a class from him 40 years ago, and have had the opportunity to visit with him recently at Elliott Fouts Gallery.  

When I was an art major at Chico State I learned about a trip Wayne and Betty Thiebaud were planning to his opening at the Stone Gallery in New York City.  They were making it possible for students to go with them, and spend a week in the city visiting museums and galleries and receiving a unit of credit through Sacramento State.  I jumped at the chance, and the trip was memorable. 

From shows I have attended in New York and San Francisco, and from reproductions in books and calendars I recognized many of the paintings hanging in the Crocker exhibition.  There were some that I had not seen before, like his paintings of the seaside resorts done in 2007.  The ice cream sherbet colors, the tall resort hotel on a sandy peninsula, loads of texture absolutely yummy!  And the composition, only Wayne would think of that!

Having my share of unfinished paintings sitting around the studio I was heartened to see paintings like “Estate” dated 1969 – 1996!   It shows buildings on top of an enormous hill with really rich colors, another one of his brilliant compositions.  This too was a painting I had not seen.  One of my favorites, also new to me, is dated 2003-2008 and is titled “The Speaker”.  Wayne’s humor shines through this painting just like the speaker’s bald head!

Two portraits of Betty Jean hang together, one from 1965 that looks just as I remember her then and one done in 1985.  Both are beautiful.

Thank you Wayne for all that you have giving the art world, our community, and all that you have taught your students over the years.   Keep on painting!

I do hope everyone reading this can make it to the Crocker even though the Thiebaud show is over, the collection at the Crocker and the museum itself is worth many visits.